Sign Up Terms & Conditions
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Terms and Conditions
Alternature Discover your Wellness Agreement
I Client agree that I am contracting with Alternature to participate in the Alternature Discover your Wellnesse Challenge commencing on the 1st May 2017.
The coaching period is for a minimum of (12) twelve weeks at $89 per week. These will be ongoing unless cancellation is made within the timeframes stated below.
Additional classes may be made available dring the 12 week period at no additional cost. Subsequently classes may also be changed, moved or cancelled at no additional or discounted cost.
All payments are to be made via direct debit or unless otherwise stated by the Coaches with permission. Payments are due on the Monday of each week for 12 consecutive weeks.
Cancellation Policy
You must give 2 weeks notice to cancel completely or 1 weeks notice to put your Challenge on hold. The Challenge can be put on hold for a maximum of 2 weeks unless there are extenuating circumstances. Alternature has a no refund policy. However you can transfer to another program/coaching package or transfer to a friend.
The Coach Responsibilities
The Coach agrees to:
• Provide the Client with professional coaching services
• Supply Client with at least (15) fifteen group classes per week
• Provide Client with a Nutritional meal plan
* Provide client with 3x 45minute massages
* Provide client with 1x 45minute personal training session each week for 12 weeks
• Provide a safe training environment
• Hold all information disclosed in the coaching sessions in confidence.
The Client Responsibilities
The Client agrees to:
• Arrive at classes before or scheduled start time
• Supply own water bottle, towel and yoga mat (if desired)
• Wear suitable clothing
• Take full responsibility for his/her choices and decisions during coaching.
• You as the client at 100% responsible for all actions and non-actions.
• You as the client are 100% responsible for all results and non-results.
Do you understand and agree to
– I acknowledge that it is a condition that I participate in exercise that I do so at my own risk
– I accept all risks and hereby indemnity and release the instructor, their agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters and any other person or body directly and indirectly associated with the Trainer, against all liability (including all liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) claims, demands and proceeding arising out of or connected with my participating in this exercise.
– I acknowledge that participating in exercise may involve a risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including; over exhaustion, dehydration, equipment failure and accidents with equipment and surroundings.
– I recognise the difficulties associated with the activity and attest that I am physically fit to participate safely in the activity and that a qualified medical practitioner has not advised me otherwise.
– I understand the demanding physical nature of exercise. In the event that I become aware of any medical condition, injury or impairment that may be detrimental to my health, the instructor will be immediately informed. By continuing to participate in the exercise, I accept the risks despite these conditions and am still, and will always be under the terms of this agreement.
– I notify that I am 18 years or older and have read this document and truly understand it. Or as a parent or guardian of the participant (a) I agree to the above for myself and on behalf of the participant, and (b) I indemnity and will keep indemnified any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the conduct of the exercise of the terms refeered to.
If your Agree to the Terms & Conditions of the 8 Week Body Balance Challenge, then please fill in the form and sign by typing "I Agree"